Preventative Dentistry
Too often people neglect their oral health until they have developed a serious dental problem. They don’t keep up with their daily hygiene habits and put off trips to their dentist until they begin experiencing terrible aches and pains. Unfortunately, this often leads to serious problems such as gum recession, tooth decay, and even tooth loss.
With a little bit of care, these types of issues can often be avoided. Taking advantage of preventive treatments at Champaign Dental Group can help you save you considerable amounts of time, pain, and money!
What Is Preventive Dentistry?
Preventive dentistry involves any dental treatment that aims to prevent serious oral health issues. This type of care can help prevent damage and decay related to cavities, periodontitis, gingivitis, enamel loss, etc.
At Champaign Dental Group, we believe that prevention is the best medicine. Because of this, we provide a variety of preventive dental treatments to keep your smile bright and healthy!
Preventive dentistry involves:
- Regular exams
- Professional cleaning
- Dental Sealants
- Fluoride Treatments
- Oral Cancer Screenings
Cleanings, Exams, and Screenings
To keep your mouth healthy and clean, we recommend visiting your dentist every six months. During your visit, your hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth and gums. During this process, your hygienist will look for signs of cavities, excessive plaque and tartar, gum recession, and any unusual spots or discoloration.
After the cleaning, your dentist will conduct a thorough exam of your mouth, jaw, and face. This will include an oral cancer screening.
Regular cleanings and exams allow us to check for signs and symptoms of potential issues before they have time to develop or grow worse.
What Are Dental Sealants?
Dental sealants are protective layers of clear or tooth-colored resin coating that are painted over the surface of your molars. Sealants give your back teeth a smoother surface – making brushing easier and more effective. They work to protect your teeth from food particles and bacteria.
This process only takes a few minutes and helps protect your teeth from cavities and decay. Sealants are usually covered by insurance for patients who are 18-years-old and younger.
How Does Fluoride Help Teeth?
Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens your enamel and helps your teeth fight infection and decay. Over time, this mineral builds up in your tooth structure and saliva to create a protective barrier around your teeth.
Most dental products include fluoride and most public water sources include trace amounts of the mineral to ensure your teeth stay strong.
Fluoride plays an important part in the development of your teeth. Because of this, we often recommend additional fluoride treatments for children who may not receive enough of the mineral from other sources.
If you have any questions about preventive dentistry or our services here at Champaign Dental Group, contact us at 937-653-8650 to speak with a member of our team. We would be happy to discuss your options or schedule an appointment.