
Want to fix chips, gaps or stains, but don’t know whether to choose veneers or crowns? You’re not alone – many patients wrestle with this decision. While veneers and crowns are both tooth-colored restorations that can beautifully transform your smile, they work differently. As your trusted Champaign, Ohio dentists, we’re here to help you weigh the pros and cons of veneers vs. crowns. Read on as we compare the key factors, so you can decide the champion for your own smile!

Durability Differences

Let’s kick things off by looking at lifespan and durability:

  • Veneers – Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin shells bonded over your natural teeth. Since some original tooth structure remains, veneers are considered semi-permanent restorations lasting 10-15 years with proper care before replacement is needed.
  • Crowns – In comparison, dental crowns are permanent prosthetics that fully cap or encase the entire visible tooth down to the roots. They last even longer than veneers, generally 15-30 years or more before a new crown is required.

The winner for durability: Crowns win out here as longer-lasting full coverage restorations. But veneers enjoy a long service life as well.

Preservation of Tooth Structure

Now let’s examine how much natural tooth must be removed:

  • Veneers – This is a minimally invasive procedure. Only about 0.3-0.5mm of outer enamel is reshaped before veneers are bonded over top. This ultra-conservative preparation preserves much of your natural tooth structure.
  • Crowns – To fully cap the tooth, crown placement is more invasive. About 1-2mm of outer enamel must be reduced circumferentially to create room for the covering. The inner dentin layer is left intact.

The winner for preservation: Veneers claim victory here with their ultra-conservative approach leaving tooth largely intact.

Ideal Candidates

The right candidate is vital for success:

  • Veneers – Since some original enamel remains, veneers work best on fairly healthy teeth needing simple cosmetic changes like slight realignment, small chips, worn edges or discoloration.
  • Crowns – Crowns are preferred for teeth weakened extensively by decay, fractures or prior large restorations. They protect and reinforce what remains of the natural tooth.

The winner for candidates: It depends on your specific dental needs! For minor alignment or staining, veneers are ideal. But for weakened teeth, crowns reinforce and shield the natural tooth.

Appearance Results

Let’s compare the aesthetics:

  • Veneers – Made from dental porcelain, veneers have a beautiful lifelike translucency that seamlessly matches your surrounding natural teeth. Thin veneers provide a conservative change in shape and color.
  • Crowns – Made from stronger ceramic or porcelain-fused-to metal, crowns have excellent durability. But they can sometimes look slightly more opaque than natural enamel. The full coverage cap is a more dramatic change.

The winner for aesthetics: Veneers win for the most natural, conservative cosmetic enhancement. But well-crafted crowns still achieve excellent beauty.

Comfort and Sensitivity

Patients worry about pain, so how do veneers and crowns compare for comfort?

  • Veneers – Because preparation only reshapes the outer protective enamel layer, veneers rarely cause pain or sensitivity. Your living inner tooth tissue remains protected and unexposed. Most patients are very comfortable with the gentle veneer process.
  • Crowns – Since crown prep exposes the inner dentin layer, some sensitivity can result after treatment. Proper technique protects the tooth nerve though, so discomfort is temporary until the crown caps the tooth.

The winner for comfort: Veneers take the prize here with their minimally invasive approach that prevents sensitivity and discomfort.

Strength and Protection

Let’s examine protective capabilities:

  • Veneers – While durable, thin veneer material can still chip or crack under high biting forces, requiring repair or replacement. Veneers protect against surface wear and damage but provide limited internal strength.
  • Crowns – Crowns act like a tooth suit of armor against chewing forces. They provide full encasement reinforcement and protection from further cracking or decay within the natural tooth structure.

The winner for strength: Crowns are the undisputed champions for protective capabilities and internal reinforcement of weakened teeth.

Longevity Factors

What impacts how long veneers and crowns can last?

  • Veneers – With good oral hygiene and avoidance of clenching, grinding, nail biting, etc., veneers can thrive 10-15 years. But fractures or leakage at the bond line may require earlier re-bonding or replacement. Regular dental visits help spot issues.
  • Crowns – With proper care, crowns typically enjoy 15-30 years or more of service. But fractures are still possible over decades of heavy chewing forces. The crown margin near the gumline also risks decay if not properly maintained. Regular exams help maintain crowns.

The winner for longevity: When cared for well, crowns are built to last. But veneers also survive many years with prudent habits and checkups.

Permanence Considerations

Another factor is reversibility:

  • Veneers – While long-lasting, veneers are not permanently cemented like crowns. If desired, they can be removed later and the underlying natural tooth structure remains. This provides more flexibility vs crowns.
  • Crowns – In comparison, crowns fully replace the visible tooth structure down to the preparatory shave line. While crowns are not easily undone, the inner preserved tooth remains intact under the crown if needed for restorative retreatments.

The winner for permanence: Veneers win for reversibility since they are non-permanent restorations that can be removed if desired later.

Cost Considerations

And finally, the financial comparison:

  • Veneers – Ranging $925-$2500 per tooth, veneers provide an affordable cosmetic solution. Costs vary based on the amount of shaping, material and number of veneers needed.
  • Crowns – At $800-$3000 per crown, they are a bigger investment. Complex cases with more involved prep or materials may cost more.

The winner for cost: Veneers generally are a more budget-friendly cosmetic option for minor alignment or color issues versus crowns for severely damaged teeth. But costs for both vary widely.

An Experienced Eye Is Key

With all these variables in play, it takes an experienced, nuanced dentist to recommend the right restorative path for your unique situation and goals. Veneers and crowns both rebuild smiles beautifully when matched well to the patient. Let our Champaign experts guide you with care after a thorough assessment. We take all factors into consideration to determine if thin veneers or full crowns will optimize your oral health and smile. Trust our wisdom and technical skill – your satisfaction is our top priority!

Let Us Guide You to Your Ideal Smile Solution

As you can see, veneers and crowns each have their own pros and cons suiting different needs. There is no universal winner! The best option depends entirely on your specific dental situation and cosmetic goals. Some patients even opt for a combination of veneers and crowns to optimize form and function. Let our experienced Champaign dentists thoughtfully evaluate your needs and recommend the right restoration pathway tailored just for your one-of-a-kind smile. With our leadership, you’ll gain a stunning, natural-looking grin that’s also healthy and protected. Call us today to discuss your candidacy for veneers versus crowns!



Do you suffer from mysterious jaw pain and discomfort? If it’s interfering with eating, chewing or even opening your mouth freely, you may have a TMJ disorder. Short for temporomandibular joint dysfunction, TMJ affects over 10 million Americans. But with its vague symptoms, confusing causes and many treatment options, it’s a complex condition that’s often misunderstood. Read on as your trusted Champaign Dental Group guides you through unravelling the mystery of TMJ – from recognizing the signs to tailoring the ideal treatment plan just for you!

Understanding TMJ Basics

First, let’s demystify TMJ by understanding the condition at its core. The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are the hinges on each side of your jaw connecting your lower jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders involve pain and dysfunction of these joints and surrounding muscles controlling jaw movement. Since the joints and muscles work closely together, it’s often hard to pinpoint the exact source of TMJ pain. But with a thorough exam, our dentists can get to the root cause.

Recognizing Common TMJ Symptoms

Catching TMJ early is key to managing it effectively. Be on the lookout for these common signs:

  • Jaw pain or soreness that worsens with chewing or movement
  • Clicking, popping or grinding noises when opening/closing the mouth
  • Locking of the jaw when attempting to open wide
  • Difficulty fully opening or closing the mouth
  • Earaches and pain radiating to the face or neck
  • Morning headaches or jaw stiffness
  • Teeth grinding or clenching habits

The wide range of vague symptoms makes TMJ easy to misdiagnose. Don’t ignore ongoing jaw discomfort – get it evaluated promptly for solutions.

Understanding What Causes TMJ Disorders

While some causes remain unknown, many factors can contribute to TMJ dysfunction:

  • Genetics and anatomy – Some have misaligned bites or small jaw joints prone to this.
  • Grinding and clenching – Putting excessive pressure on the TMJs can inflame them over time.
  • Arthritis – Can cause degeneration of joint tissues.
  • Disk issues – Displacement of cartilage between joints leads to pain.
  • Stress and anxiety – Chronic tension leads to jaw tightening and grinding.
  • Injury or trauma – Direct blows to the jaw, whiplash etc.

Once we understand your specific causative factors, we can target treatments more effectively.

Seeking Help for TMJ Relief

Don’t suffer needlessly – if you notice ongoing jaw symptoms, seeking expert care is critical. Since the mouth is so complex, only a trained dentist like those at Champaign Dental Group can accurately diagnose TMJ and differentiate it from lookalike problems like tooth decay or gum disease. We will perform a thorough clinical exam of your head, neck and bite for clues. Advanced imaging like CBCT scans also gives us a closer look at your temporomandibular joints. Once properly diagnosed, relief will follow!

Conservative TMJ Treatment Options to Try First

Often, TMJ can be managed successfully with conservative, reversible therapies:

  • OTC pain medication – Anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen provide initial symptom relief.
  • Hot/cold compresses – Alternating these reduces muscle spasms and swelling around the joint.
  • Physical therapy – Stretches and exercises can ease stiffness and improve mobility.
  • Stress reduction – Relaxation techniques lower clenching that aggravates TMJ.
  • Orthotics and mouthguards – These stabilize the jaw and absorb damaging grinding forces. Custom-fit by your Champaign dentist, they are most effective and comfortable.
  • Diet modification – Avoid extreme jaw motions. Soft foods are easier to chew.

Starting with more simple, low-risk options allows you to gauge effectiveness before considering more invasive treatments if needed.

Advanced TMJ Treatment Solutions We Offer

For moderate to severe TMJ dysfunction that hasn’t improved with conservative care, we can take your treatment to the next level at our office. Advanced therapies we offer include:

  • Prescription muscle relaxants – For acute cases, these oral medications relieve spasms.
  • Botulinum toxin injections – Injections of this agent reduce clenching and grinding.
  • Surgery – Modifying the joint or jaw position can treat certain structural causes of TMJ not fixable nonsurgically.
  • Dental orthotics – Professionally customized oral appliances like clear aligners can correct bite misalignments and improve TMJ symptoms over time.
  • Stress-reduction counseling – Cognitive behavioral therapy gives you tools to manage chronic stress and tension that triggers your TMJ.

While invasive, these proven options provide relief when more conservative treatments have failed. Our knowledgeable dentists will guide you.

The Benefits of Custom-Made TMJ Oral Appliances

One of the most effective solutions we offer for TMJ is a personalized oral appliance fit to your unique bite. Worn over the teeth, it maintains the jaw in an ideal position to prevent unconscious clenching and grinding as well as stabilize the TMJ. This allows muscles, ligaments, cartilage and bones to heal and strengthen over time. Oral appliances also absorb damaging forces from these habits that would normally worsen joint wear and tear. Available options we offer are:

  • Occlusal guards – Rigid acrylic guards worn at night are simplest and most affordable.
  • Clear aligners – Transparent removable braces like Invisalign also correct bite alignment over months of use.
  • Mandibular advancement devices – These reposition the lower jaw forward to open a collapsed bite.
  • Cervical headgear – This appliance provides traction to the jaw muscles and joints for relief.

Our dentists will determine which device type best addresses YOUR specific TMJ-related bite issues and habits. With consistent use, a custom oral appliance can help you finally smile, eat and laugh pain-free!

Don’t Suffer Any Longer – We’re Here to Help!

Living with constant jaw pain and loss of function is no way to go through life. If TMJ is inhibiting your quality of life, turn to us for answers and relief. Our skilled Champaign Dental team is passionate about solving even the most complex dental issues like TMJ disorders. With a thorough evaluation and tailored management strategy, we can identify the source of your pain and help you enjoy life again without discomfort. Call us today – your healthiest, happiest smile awaits!



Do you long for a bright, white smile? If your teeth have become discolored over time, you may have considered whitening treatments to restore their natural luster. But with so many options and claims out there, it’s hard to separate teeth whitening facts from fiction. Our trusted dentists at Champaign Dental Group are here to unlock the secrets to safely whitening your teeth for stunning results. Read on as we debunk common myths and share proven truths about achieving your brightest, most confident smile yet!

Myth: Whitening Ruins Your Tooth Enamel

Some people avoid whitening their teeth out of fear it will permanently damage their tooth enamel. But rest assured, today’s whitening formulas and methods are highly safe when used correctly! Over-the-counter whitening strips or gels with lower concentrations of bleaching agents, like hydrogen peroxide, will not erode your enamel with occasional use. We also offer professional in-office treatments and customized take-home trays for the safest, most effective whitening under controlled conditions. With Champaign Dental Group’s guidance, you can whiten your teeth without ruining enamel or long-term oral health.

Truth: Whitening Effectiveness Depends on Stain Type

Not all stains are created equal when it comes to whitening response. Surface stains from foods, drinks, smoking etc. are the most easily removed type with standard bleaching. Grayish discoloration from aging or trauma requires more intensive treatments. And yellowish stains from antibiotics may not respond as readily. Our dentists will examine your specific stain and recommend the ideal treatment plan. Realistic expectations are key – severely discolored teeth may lighten significantly but not become paper white. Set achievable goals for the most satisfying smile makeover!

Myth: Whitening Strips Damage Gums

Some patients voice concerns about over-the-counter whitening strips irritating their gingiva or causing gum recession over time. But rest assured, when used as directed, whitening strips are designed to specifically target only the teeth and avoid the effects on soft gum tissues. We do recommend consulting us first, as gum disease, sensitivity or misuse could heighten irritation. With proper oral care habits continued through the whitening process, strips can brighten your smile without harming your gums!

Truth: Results Vary by Individual

While whitening can deliver dramatic results overall, your individual response depends on many factors. The original shade of your teeth, type of stains, oral care habits and genetics influence your potential lightening level and speed. Smokers may find limited effects from peroxide whiteners. Those with thin enamel may also experience higher sensitivity. Be patient as results build gradually over a few weeks. Talk to our Urbana, Ohio dentists and we’ll tailor the treatment to your unique needs and goals for maximum satisfaction.

Myth: Food and Drink Can Stain Right After Whitening

It’s a common myth that enjoying coffee, red wine or tomatoes immediately after whitening treatments will cause instant reversal of results or dark staining. But today’s whitening formulas use high-density materials that form a temporary protective layer over the enamel to provide some buffer. While heavily-pigmented foods are still best avoided right after whitening, accidental intake doesn’t necessarily mean immediate discoloration. Just resume dental care habits like flossing, brushing and swishing water to maintain your bright new smile.

Truth: Results Last 1-3 Years on Average

While individual results vary, you can generally expect your whitened smile to last 1-3 years on average before a touch-up may be needed – longer if you minimize staining habits. That’s because the enamel naturally becomes more porous during whitening, so it can more readily absorb pigments again afterwards. But don’t worry, re-treatments are shorter and easier than the original process since your teeth are not as discolored. Stick with regular dental cleanings, avoid smoking and dark liquids, and your glowing smile can last and last!

Myth: Store Bought Trays Are Just As Effective

Do-it-yourself whitening trays from your local drugstore may seem like an affordable and convenient option. But beware – ill-fitting trays based on generic mold designs are less effective and riskier than custom-made trays from your Champaign dentist. Without precision fit, the bleaching gel can leak out onto your gums and soft tissues leading to burns. Our custom trays are carefully molded and monitored for your safety and better results. Don’t settle for over-the-counter – get whitening done right!

Truth: Tooth Sensitivity is Normal But Temporary

It’s very common to experience mild to moderate tooth sensitivity for a short period when whitening. This is caused by the bleaching agents penetrating the porous enamel and reaching the nerves. But rest assured this sensitivity nearly always resolves within 24 hours after each treatment. We will guide you on managing any discomfort until it subsides. Staying with treatment yields the best payoff for your smile’s brightness in the end!

Myth: One Treatment Gets Your Ultimate White

Hold your horses – dramatic Hollywood teeth makeovers shown instantly are a far cry from reality. Safe, effective whitening requires a series of consistent applications over days or weeks depending on your needs. Our dentists will design a customized treatment plan to gradually lift away years of discoloration without risking harm to your teeth or gums. Sticking with responsible, managed procedures leads to that naturally beautiful result. Resist any claims of quick overnight whitening miracles.

You’re in The Best Hands at Champaign Dental Group

When you’re ready to unlock a radiant, healthy smile through teeth whitening, we’re here to help every step of the way. With our wise guidance and advanced dental expertise, you can rest assured your treatment plan will be safe, comfortable and designed for realistic success. Give us a call in Urbana, Ohio to schedule a consultation. We’re excited to start you on your brightening journey to gain confidence that shines from ear to ear!


August 23, 2023 Emergency Dental

Has this ever happened to you? You’re sound asleep when suddenly you’re jolted awake by a sharp, throbbing pain in your mouth. Uh oh – it’s a toothache! Or maybe you took a spill playing basketball and chipped your front tooth. When dental disasters strike, it’s important to know what to do to ease pain, avoid further damage, and get the help you need. Our team at Champaign Dental Group is here to guide you through common dental emergencies so you can take action right away. Read on for our essential tips!

Assess the Situation and Act Fast

When faced with a dental emergency, the first step is to quickly evaluate what’s happening in your mouth. Are you experiencing severe tooth pain or sensitivity? Is there swelling in your gums, face or neck? Have you knocked out a filling or crown? Is a tooth loose, cracked or chipped? Once you identify the issue, you can determine the best way to manage it until you can reach emergency dental care. Time is of the essence, so don’t delay taking action to protect your oral health.

Relieve Tooth Pain ASAP

Toothaches and dental pain should never be ignored. The sooner you can alleviate the pain, the better. If you have severe tooth sensitivity or throbbing pain from a cavity or cracked tooth, over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can provide temporary relief. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water may also help reduce inflammation. Be very gentle when brushing and flossing to avoid aggravating the affected tooth and surrounding gums. And of course, call our emergency dental hotline right away so we can diagnose and treat the problem.

Stop Bleeding with Light Pressure

Accidents happen, and you may end up with a dental injury that causes bleeding in your mouth. Whether you’ve lost a baby tooth prematurely or cut your gums, it’s important to stop the bleeding promptly. First, rinse your mouth with cool water to clear away excess blood. Next, apply firm, direct pressure to the wound using a clean gauze pad or damp tea bag. Hold it in place for about 30-60 minutes and avoid repeatedly checking on the area. The bleeding should stop as a clot forms. Keeping the area stable will prevent dislodging the clot while the injury heals.

Stabilize Cracked, Loose or Knocked Out Teeth

Dealing with a dental emergency like a cracked, loose or knocked out tooth can be frightening, but keeping your composure is key. Timely first aid can greatly improve the chances of saving the tooth. Rinse out your mouth and find the tooth fragment or tooth if possible. For cracks, cover the cracked portion with dental wax or sugar-free chewing gum to stabilize it. For a loose adult tooth, bite down firmly on a moistened gauze pad or tea bag to keep it in place. For knocked out teeth, avoid touching the root and gently rinse off dirt if needed. Place it in a container of milk or saline solution, or slip it between your cheek and gums if you can’t store it. Then, get to our dentists immediately – the sooner it is reimplanted, the better!

Seek Prompt Care for Abscesses

Abscesses are localized infections in the mouth, often at the root of a decayed tooth. You may notice throbbing pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, swollen lymph nodes, and pus around the affected tooth. Abscesses require urgent dental care because the infection can spread quickly. We will drain the pus, perform a root canal or extraction, and prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection. Don’t delay treatment for gum abscesses as they can be life-threatening.

Manage Traumatic Injuries

Dental injuries can happen, especially for active kids and athletes. If teeth are fractured or knocked out by a blow to the face, prompt attention is needed to restore form and function. Rinse out the mouth with water and bring any broken tooth pieces with you to our office. For jaw fractures, use cold compresses and get immediate medical help to align the bones properly. Our dentists will splint injured teeth, perform restorations, and monitor you for complications. With rapid care, traumatic dental injuries don’t have to ruin your smile!

Get Help ASAP from Champaign Dental Group

During dental emergencies, turn to the trusted Champaign dental group for urgent care. We offer emergency dental treatment during and after office hours to provide relief when you need it most. Our skilled dentists will diagnose the problem and provide appropriate, efficient treatment to save damaged teeth and ease discomfort. We have all the advanced tools and technology required for procedures like root canals, tooth extractions, and dental implant placements to fix cracked, infected or knocked out teeth. You’ll be in the best hands with our compassionate, dedicated dental team!

Know When to Visit the Emergency Room

While we can treat most dental emergencies, some complex traumatic injuries require emergency hospital care. Seek immediate medical attention at the closest ER if you experience severe facial swelling, uncontrolled bleeding, loss of consciousness or knock out multiple permanent teeth. The doctors can stitch wounds, set fractures and prevent life-threatening infection before you visit us for follow-up dental repair. Don’t take chances – get emergency medical intervention for major dental trauma.

Prevent Dental Emergencies with Proactive Care

The best way to avoid dental emergencies is preventative dental care. Be diligent about regular checkups and cleanings every 6 months to catch problems early. We can seal pits and fissures in molars, provide mouthguards for sports, and monitor you for signs of decay or infection before it turns into a painful emergency. Fixing small cavities and cracks right away keeps them from worsening into major tooth disasters. With a little effort, you can maintain excellent oral health and smile confidently knowing your teeth are in the clear!

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Practicing excellent oral hygiene at home will also help you avoid dental emergencies. Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Clean between teeth daily with floss or interdental brushes. Use antiseptic mouthwash to reduce bacteria. Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks which can erode enamel. Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water, especially if taking medications that cause dry mouth. With diligent home care, you can greatly lower your risk of dental issues and pain.

Protect Teeth from Trauma

Since dental injuries often happen accidentally, take steps to shield your mouth during activities. Wear fitted mouthguards and helmets for contact sports like football, boxing or hockey. Buckle seatbelts properly to avoid hitting the dashboard in a collision. Install safety gates, furniture pads and window guards if you have young children prone to falls. And keep an eye on sharp objects that pose dangers – supervise kids around pencils, scissors etc. With some simple precautions, you can help prevent traumatic dental emergencies.

We’re Here for You Around the Clock

No one wants to suffer dental pain or accidents, but rest assured we can guide you through any dental emergency quickly and comfortably. We hope these tips help you take the right actions when issues pop up and avoid permanent damage. Our Champaign dental office is open extended hours with an emergency dentist on call nights and weekends. Call our emergency hotline at any time when you need urgent dental care. From toothaches to chipped teeth, we’ll promptly diagnose the problem and help you smile brightly again!


June 7, 2023 Uncategorized

Going to the dentist can be a stressful experience for many people, but for some, it can be downright terrifying. Dental anxiety affects millions of people worldwide and can prevent them from seeking the dental care they need to maintain good oral health. Fortunately, sedation dentistry offers a solution to this problem, allowing patients to relax and overcome their fear and anxiety associated with dental procedures.


At Champaign Dental Group in Urbana, Ohio, we understand the importance of patient comfort and care, and we offer sedation dentistry services to help you overcome dental anxiety and improve your dental experience. In this article, we’ll cover the many benefits of sedation dentistry, the different types of sedation available, and which option may be right for you.


What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry, also known as “sleep dentistry,” is a technique used to help patients relax and remain calm during dental procedures. Sedation dentistry uses various medications, including nitrous oxide, oral sedatives, and intravenous sedation, to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.


Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

There are many benefits to using sedation dentistry for dental procedures, including:

  1. Reduced anxiety: Sedation dentistry can help to reduce anxiety and fear associated with dental procedures, allowing patients to relax and feel more comfortable during their appointment.
  2. Increased comfort: Sedation dentistry can help to reduce discomfort during dental procedures, making the experience more comfortable for the patient.
  3. Better quality of care: Sedation dentistry can help patients to remain still during procedures, allowing the dentist to work more efficiently and provide better quality of care.
  4. Faster recovery: Sedation dentistry can help patients to recover more quickly from dental procedures, as they are more relaxed and less likely to experience post-operative pain.


Types of Sedation Dentistry

There are several different types of sedation dentistry available, including:

  1. Nitrous oxide: Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” is a mild sedative that is inhaled through a mask. Nitrous oxide helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation during dental procedures.
  2. Oral sedatives: Oral sedatives are taken in pill form and help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Oral sedatives are typically taken before the dental procedure, allowing the medication to take effect before the appointment.
  3. Intravenous sedation: Intravenous sedation, also known as “IV sedation,” is a type of sedation that is administered through a vein. IV sedation helps to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety during dental procedures.


Which Type of Sedation is Right for You?

The type of sedation that is right for you will depend on several factors, including the type of procedure you are undergoing, your level of anxiety, and your overall health. At Champaign Dental Group, we will work with you to determine the best type of sedation for your individual needs and ensure that you feel comfortable and relaxed throughout your appointment.


Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective technique for reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation during dental procedures. At Champaign Dental Group, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest level of comfort and care, and we offer sedation dentistry services to help you overcome dental anxiety and improve your dental experience.


If you struggle with dental anxiety, contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of sedation dentistry and which type of sedation may be right for you. With our help, you can overcome your fear and anxiety and achieve the healthy and beautiful smile you deserve.



June 7, 2023 Uncategorized

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience, but thanks to advances in dental technology, there are now many options available for tooth replacement. One of the most popular options is dental implants, which provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution for missing teeth.


At Champaign Dental Group, we offer comprehensive dental implant services to help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about dental implants, including the benefits of replacing missing teeth with implants, the different types of implants available, and the risks associated with the procedure.


What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically implanted into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. The implants are made of biocompatible materials, such as titanium, that fuse with the bone over time to provide a stable and long-lasting foundation for the replacement tooth.


Benefits of Dental Implants

There are many advantages to replacing missing teeth with dental implants, including:

  1. Improved appearance: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, improving the appearance of your smile.
  2. Improved speech: Missing teeth can affect your speech, but dental implants can help to restore your ability to speak clearly.
  3. Improved comfort: Dental implants are more comfortable than traditional dentures, which can be bulky and uncomfortable.
  4. Improved oral health: Dental implants help to prevent bone loss in the jaw, which can lead to further tooth loss and other oral health problems.
  5. Improved function: Dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat your favorite foods and enjoy your life without worrying about your teeth.


Types of Dental Implants

There are several different types of dental implants available, including:

  1. Endosteal implants: These are the most common type of dental implant, and are implanted directly into the jawbone.
  2. Subperiosteal implants: These are implanted under the gum tissue but above the jawbone, and are used for patients who do not have enough healthy jawbone to support traditional implants.
  3. All-on-4 implants: These are a type of implant-supported denture that use just four implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth.


Risks Associated with Dental Implants

Like any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with dental implants. These include:

  1. Infection at the implant site: This can occur if the implant does not heal properly, and may require antibiotics or removal of the implant.
  2. Damage to surrounding teeth: The implant procedure can cause damage to nearby teeth or nerves, which can lead to pain or discomfort.
  3. Implant failure: In rare cases, the implant may not fuse properly with the bone, leading to implant failure and the need for additional procedures.


Dental implants are a popular and effective option for replacing missing teeth and achieving a healthy and beautiful smile. At Champaign Dental Group, we offer comprehensive dental implant services to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your oral health.


If you’re considering dental implants, it’s essential to work with an experienced and qualified dental professional who can help you understand the benefits and risks of the procedure. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how dental implants can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.



June 7, 2023 Uncategorized

Your smile is often the first thing that people notice about you. It can make a great first impression, but if your dental hygiene is lacking, it can also make a lasting negative impression. Good dental hygiene is crucial to maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile, and it all starts with brushing and flossing.


At Champaign Dental Group in Urbana, Ohio, we understand the importance of dental hygiene, and we want to help you keep your smile looking its best. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the most effective techniques for brushing and flossing, as well as how to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.


Dental Hygiene and Oral Health

Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential to maintaining good oral health. Dental hygiene is the practice of keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy by brushing and flossing regularly, as well as visiting your dentist for routine cleanings and checkups.

Poor dental hygiene can lead to a variety of dental problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. According to the American Dental Association, “Tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease are the two most common oral diseases in the U.S. and worldwide.”


Tooth Decay

Tooth decay occurs when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth, combines with sugars and starches in the food you eat to create acid. Over time, this acid can eat away at the enamel on your teeth, causing cavities.


To prevent tooth decay, it’s essential to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss at least once a day. Fluoride toothpaste helps to strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid. Flossing removes plaque and food particles from between teeth and along the gumline, where toothbrushes can’t reach.


Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone that support the teeth. It is caused by plaque and tartar buildup, which can irritate and inflame the gums, leading to bleeding, swelling, and eventually tooth loss.


To prevent gum disease, it’s crucial to brush and floss regularly to remove plaque and tartar buildup. Additionally, visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups can help to identify and treat gum disease early, before it causes irreversible damage.


Brushing Techniques

Brushing your teeth is an essential part of good dental hygiene. It helps to remove plaque and food particles from the surfaces of your teeth, as well as massage your gums to improve blood flow and promote healthy gum tissue.


When brushing, it’s important to use the correct technique to ensure that you are effectively cleaning your teeth and gums. The American Dental Association recommends the following brushing technique:

  • Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums.
  • Gently move the brush back and forth in short, tooth-wide strokes.
  • Brush the outer surfaces, inner surfaces, and chewing surfaces of all teeth.
  • Use the tip of the brush to clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, using a gentle up-and-down stroke.

Be sure to brush for at least two minutes, twice a day, and replace your toothbrush every three to four months, or when the bristles become frayed.


Flossing Techniques

Flossing is another essential part of good dental hygiene. It helps to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and along the gumline, where toothbrushes can’t reach. When flossing, it’s important to use the correct technique to ensure that you are effectively removing plaque and food particles. The American Dental Association recommends the following flossing technique:

  • Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around one of your middle fingers.
  • Wind the remaining floss around the same finger on the opposite hand.
  • Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers and guide it between your teeth using a gentle sawing motion.
  • When the floss reaches the gumline, curve it into a C-shape against one tooth and gently slide it into the space between the gum and tooth.
  • Hold the floss tightly against the tooth and gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with an up-and-down motion.
  • Repeat this process on the rest of your teeth, using a clean section of floss for each tooth.

Flossing should be done at least once a day, and it’s essential to use the correct technique to prevent injury to the gums.


Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

In addition to brushing and flossing, there are other steps you can take to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. These include:

  • Limiting sugary and starchy foods and drinks, which can contribute to the formation of plaque and acid.
  • Drinking plenty of water to help rinse away food particles and bacteria.
  • Using mouthwash to help kill bacteria and freshen your breath.
  • Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups.


Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential to maintaining good oral health and a beautiful smile. By following the most effective techniques for brushing and flossing, as well as taking other steps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.


At Champaign Dental Group in Urbana, Ohio, we are committed to helping you maintain good dental hygiene and oral health. Contact us today to schedule a cleaning and checkup, or to learn more about our dental services. With our help, you can achieve the healthy and beautiful smile you deserve.


About Us

When we opened in 1997, it was our mission to serve our community with friendly, comfortable, convenient care. Now, we are continually committed to providing our families the very best dental services. With a small-town feel and the very best in technology, we combine personalized service and the most effective treatment possible.

Contact Us

Champaign Dental Group

139 Patrick Ave
Urbana, Ohio 43078
Phone: 937-653-8650